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Marriages Made in Heaven : the Trinity Finally Becomes a Quaternity

Marriages Made in Heaven : the Trinity Finally Becomes a Quaternity

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The coronation of Mary in Heaven.  The Quaternity from a Renaissance painting (1457)

This fulfills the prophecy from Revelation which Catholics have repeatedly pleaded for, believing the End was nigh, most notably in the 16th century and again in the 1870s.   Not least because it carries this extra significance of heralding the Latter Days, popes have consistently resisted these calls.  

When the Assumption was finally announced by the Pius XII in 1950, it was hardly the bold stroke of a rogue pope.  A more conservative figure could hardly be imagined.  We are led to believe the proclamation followed compelling visions in the Vatican.    

Some such divine, even supernatural impetus should not be discounted out-of-hand when clearly an overwhelming impulse would be required.   When the Spirit has something to say, it will find a way.   A way which leaves no doubt.   This has been attested repeatedly in modern times and down the ages and metaphysics, the science of the spirits, insists it is far from impossible.   In fact the Spirit speaks to us constantly and constantly we refuse to hear, constantly we ignore what we hear.    Occasionally this wilfull independence is not an option.

The seismic, manifold and far-reaching significance of the Assumption and Marriage of Mary has yet to be recognised.   It presents a profound interface and coming together of theology and worldly affairs, almost as if the two were not totally irrelevant but theory and practice, two sides of our life, our life as spiritual beings, human beings with a spirit included.  The Assumption is discussed in CG Jung's final testament, Answer to Job as well as in Ancient Astrology and Modern Science.

These notes will be expanded.

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