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Jehovah Overwhelming, the Lord of Hosts

Jehovah Overwhelming, the Lord of Hosts


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This image of Yahweh, Jehovah, the Ancient of Days, perfectly portrays the overwhelming power of this stormy God, mirroring closely Jupiter’s stormy physical nature, as astrologers know him too.  

 ‘Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?’  Job 38, 1-2    From a William Blake painting.

These Notes survey the compelling evidence suggesting Jehovah is a portrait of the planet-god Jupiter, the evidence of Jehovah's character which fits with Jupiter's astrological character.  The principal argument in favour of this identification is the simple logic of the all-embracing influence of Jupiter on our lives through the metaphysical forces of astrology, the fact that without this identification we have no rational explanation for the all-embracing influence of Jehovah which has been constantly reaffirmed over three millennia and the evidence of the Tree of Life which shows a sophisticated astrological Tradition at the heart of both the Old and the New Testaments.

Jehovah's stormy relationship with Israel in the Old Testament fits the bill particularly well, while Jupiter, Jove, was always the Father of the Gods in ancient day.  This title strongly echoes Abraham's recognition as the Father of his people, Abraham is Traditionally associated with Jupiter at Mercy.  His title 'Lord of Hosts' suggests the expansive qualities attributed to Jupiter and strongly present in the portrait of Abraham.  It is also the title of Ganesh, the Hindu God with an expansive girth, who represents Mercy's association with fortune and prosperity.  

We will see his very name, the Tetragrammaton, points strongly to his seat at Mercy on the Tree, the seat of Jupiter.  Equally his favourite titles as Allah in Islam, the Merciful, the Compassionate, define Jupiter's ruling Signs, Sagittarius and Pisces.  We also consider whether his people, the Jews, share this Sagittarian nature

Jung Analyses Jehovah's Character
As CG Jung points out in his final extraordinary essay, Answer to Job, the Book of Job shows Jehovah, Yahweh, at his tempestuous best, obliterating Job's wealth, his cattle and flocks, even his sons and daughters.  In answer to his faithful servant's question why he has been treated in this way, Jehovah simply parades his power and his glory and tells Job not to be so impertinent.  Jupiter in a characteristic strop, there's nothing worse. 

Jung's determination to explore the mystery of the Trinity in Answer to Job is the departure point for Heaven on Earth's further exploration of this sacred enigma.  Job is also one of the most graphic revelations of the character of a God who is not clearly defined or characterised throughout the length of the Old Testament and in Jung we have a commentator supremely qualified to highlight the features of this personality.

Throughout the Old Testament, we are repeatedly told Jehovah is a 'jealous God' who reacts quite ruthlessly to the unfaithfulness of his people, Israel, and this temperamental character reinforces the image so strongly presented in Job.  This is a portrait of the negative side of Jupiter's stormy mix of fire and water, his ruling Signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, always likely to boil over.

We are also assured of Yahweh's 'lovingkindness' and the rewards he bestows on his faithful favourites.  This bounty is best exemplified by Abraham, the father of his people, whose wealth increases many fold as does his seed, 'like the stars in the sky.'  Abraham is Kabbalistically associated with Mercy, the seat of Jupiter on the Tree. 

Jung is keen to recognise biblical figures which mirror their heavenly counterparts and he does this surprisingly impressively.  For instance Abel prefigures Christ and Cain another son of God, Satan.  Eve is the model for Mary.   Abraham is probably the biblical, earthly model for Jehovah.  He is pre-eminently the first father of the Jews, as Jehovah is the heavenly Father.

Father of the Gods
The Christian emphasis on Jehovah as Our Father strongly echoes the role Jupiter plays in many pantheons, not only as Father Zeus for the Greeks, and thundering Jove, the Father of the Gods for the Romans.  Marduk represented Jupiter for the Babylonians and was similarly their Father of the Gods while Thor took this role among the Norse gods.

Certainly the image of a benevolent but somewhat unpredictable and passionate father figure closely accords with the astrological character of Jupiter.   If we look for a planet to represent Our Father, there is simply no question Jupiter fits the bill.   The massive size and power and pre-eminence of Jupiter among the planetary family is perfectly represented by Jehovah, as the story of Job graphically illustrates.  Above all, as His place in Christian and Jewish hearts testifies rather more eloquently.

The Sacred Name : Too Holy to Know
The name of Jehovah, Yahweh in Hebrew, is derived from the sacred Tetragrammaton, the four Hebrew letters, Yod, He, Vau, He.  Jewish Bibles still omit the name of God and replace it with four dots standing for these four letters.   This has served as an effective method of preserving the holiness and mystery of a God, recognising He ultimately cannot be defined and should not be bandied in conversation in the mundane manner of a grocery list.  Acknowledging the old proverb, 'Familiarity breeds contempt.'  

Unfortunately this also has the effect of making it difficult for even the learned rabbis to come to terms with their God in a clear and meaningful way.  In Answer to Job Jung argues man needs to engage with the personality and meaning of God for God Himself to become more conscious and responsible.  He brilliantly traces the development of the concept of God from this stupendous but rather instinctive, easily tempted and irresponsible figure who wreaks destruction on the innocent and faithful Job, to the emergence of Sophia, Wisdom, as a partner for Yahweh towards the end of the Old Testament. 

Our Father Finds a Partner : a Son is Born
Wisdom moderates the divine power with insight, understanding and a more responsible and just morality, in Jung's view but above all this union of Sophia and Jehovah produces the dramatic further differentiation and development of the Godhead with the birth of the Son of God, Jesus, also the Son of Man.  God become man.

Heaven on Earth presents this development as historically and theologically the inspiration of the long-prophesied Messiah, the Messiah of Daniel (Ch.9 v.26), the Messiah and founder of the Holy Ones, the Essenes, the most revered sect of their time in Judaism who founded Christianity as the fulfilment and culmination of the Jewish Covenant of Moses.  In fulfillment of the Messiah's New Covenant with God, reaching out to all men on earth.    Unfortunately this was a bridge, a development, too far for a faith which knew their God only as 'unknowable,' the Messiah was missed, killed and his legacy passed into Gentile hands while the apocalyptic devastation wrought on Israel was hardly to be mistaken as less than divine wrath.   Twice.   It still reverberates its terrible legacy and apocalyptic implications today.    

Facts Behind Faith
suggests the Jews will not miss their  Anointed Holy One this time.   Isaiah's Messiah may not be a Jew this time but the great Jewish Bard and prophet has been confidently singing his Coming from his desert haunts.  He will not be disappointed and the event will not go unnoticed.

Four Letters Spell Mercy
Returning from religious history to theology and the name of Yahweh, the great unspoken Tetragrammaton, Yod-He-Vau-He, we can recognise points clearly to Jupiter's seat at Mercy.  The twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are derived from the twenty-two Paths of the Tree of Life.  

Yod, which means a Hand, corresponds to the Path of Virgo which points up to Mercy from Tipheret, Beauty, the throne of the Sun.  Virgo, the Virgin, is primarily associated with the handicrafts and delicate handiwork for which women in general and the spinster in particular are renowned.  Vau represents Taurus which is the Path rising up from Mercy to Wisdom. 

Vau means a nail and it is not immediately apparent how this relates to Taurus but these words carry an ancient esoteric significance which may have lost something in the modern simplistic translation or perhaps we have lost something of the ancient esoteric understanding, in the last two or three millennia.  While the relationship of the majority of the Hebrew letters to the Signs is not difficult to recognise, this is not always true.

Finally He means a window and clearly relates to the Path and Sign of Aquarius which is defined by the sky and the heavens, our window on a wider world.  The 'wind O' would originally have been open to the air, precisely defining the elemental definition of 'fixed air' for Aquarius.  This Path opposite Mercy completes the triangle of Paths which focus on Mercy and appear to reveal the Kabbalistic origin of the sacred Tetragrammaton, the name of Jehovah.

Allah is Jehovah, Enthroned at Mercy
Jehovah has been translated by Islam as Allah and among Allah's Ninety-Nine Names, the two usually used are 'the Merciful and the Compassionate.'   These precisely define Jupiter's astrological character as ruler of the Signs of Sagittarius and Pisces.   Sagittarius is the Archer, alluding to the dangerous qualities of this wise fire Sign.  It is the Sign associated with the highest learning and wisdom, sagacity, particularly for judges where, as Shakespeare's Portia proclaimed, mercy is the ideal to temper the severe power and might of the law.  Mercy is certainly the prerogative and badge of great power and majesty and this again points strongly not only to Jupiter but to the great power and majesty of Jehovah.

Mercy indicates the generous spirit which is always associated with Sagittarius and Christians, Jews and Muslims alike are constantly appealing to the 'mercy of God.'   It is one of the outstanding qualities of Jehovah as well as Allah.

The Wandering Jews : Filled with the Spirit of Yahweh
Their legendary wealth, business success and learning might well mark the Jewish people as ruled by this same Sign and spirit, even without the archetypal figure of the Wandering Jew which is a characteristic feature of a Sagittarian nature, the Sign of the traveller as well as the sage.   As with travellers of old, there is a strong association of wealth and good fortune with this Sign, and the traveller's nature of easy come, easy go, where possessions are often a burden.   A generosity of spirit which doesn't greatly value material things for their own sake but rather the pleasure of giving. 

Within their own circle we find the Jews still practice this open handedness to one another.  We should not wonder, with the deep prejudice and much worse they have suffered at Gentile hands, if this is not the reputation they have gained in the wider world.   The spirit of the traveller is also a necessary readiness for the fickle turn of fortune one may suffer in foreign lands.  This is certainly a part of the lot of the Jews, Jehovah's people and perhaps bespeaks a God who values suffering and experience for the deep spiritual qualities and learning these evoke.   There is no doubt these are profound and prominent qualities in the Jewish character.

There is every reason to recognise Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah as religious representations of the higher, divine spirit of mighty Jupiter, the largest, most powerful planet in our system, after the Sun.  The fact it is so difficult and we are extremely reluctant to do so, is a natural and healthy inertia which keeps us strongly attached to our deepest feelings, our most profound principles, whether these are traditionally Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist or even agnostic.  Moving house is a huge upheaval, not lightly undertaken.  Changing one's core beliefs is far less frequently attempted.

If our world was not in mortal danger from a loss of direction and spiritual understanding, such an attempt to rewrite the foundations of our faith would be an impertinence.  Our present state has seen even committed Christians succumb to a reckless materialism.  The Protestant heresy of five hundred years ago was necessary to rediscover the faith behind a complacent and corrupt church.  Today we face rather greater challenges : the loss of faith altogether by millions in the affluent First World, while simultaneously believers retreat into simplicities and fundamentalism to reject the challenges of our increasingly sophisticated minds.   A dangerous denial of the complexity of God and the sophisticated wisdom of the Holy Spirit.   Simplicities and fundamentalism leave us terminally ill-equipped for the world we live in.  There is a better way.

'Choosing Jupiter over the Sun' to follow.

These notes are not yet finalised.

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