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Ancient Slavery

Ancient Slavery


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An Egyptian antiquity, massive manpower harnessed to the image of the pharaoh. 

This kind of ancient slavery is highlighted in the story of the Jews in Egypt before their escape, the Exodus but this wonderful image serves as a metaphor for the oppression of kings which was certainly the norm for many a long year after these ancient days.  The glory of the 17th century 'Sun King,' Louis the Fourteenth, harnessed all the wealth and work of the kingdom to the aggrandizement of the king.  

After the Revolution the beneficeries were the bourgeoisie, the middle classes and through them the wealth of the State has served as an appealing 'greater good' to which to dedicate all efforts, typically to be dissipated in cruel and avoidable wars. 

In the perspective of history this mass servitude can easily be justified as a process necessary to the times but the most important product is probably man's education, learning the hard lesson of what it takes to be independent and free to exercise the humanity which has all too readily been sacrificed as an expendable luxury.

In a world where we have the powers of the gods at our fingertips, it is no longer historically sustainable that we should abdicate our humanity, that we should be less than fully human.   Without humanity we have no future.   Discovering the glorious gifts of our humanity is our priceless legacy from these many lives of brutal enslavement.   It is a future we can look forward to with confidence, the prophecy of God's prophets.

While this site is primarily concerned with spiritual issues, spiritual issues entirely divorced from mundane political concerns is a recipe for 'anything goes,' or a dangerous complacency.   If our spiritual awareness is not reflected in the way we behave, in our personal and national and, these days, our international politics, then our spiritual awareness is in danger of irrelevance.  

Though there may be good grounds for opting out of worldly life, this invites complacency.  There is never a good reason for separating our spiritual life from our livelihood or our politics.  It has long been recognised that 'for evil to flourish only requires that good men do nothing.'   There has been enough evil in this world and it's got to stop sometime soon, before it's too late.  The stakes have risen rather higher than we can survive.

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