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Back to the Garden ?

Back to the Garden ?

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The prophecies for a return to the Garden are commonplace but have an impressive pedigree, going back at least to the Book of Revelation.  The vision of the future City of God (Rev. Ch. 22) is generally agreed to represent a return to a more civilised version of the Garden.

A more modern version is portrayed on Page 14 with a reference to the eminent Christian theologian C.S. Lewis and his prophetic parable, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

A return to the Garden which sees the greatest challenge as developing our own better selves and the greatest achievement in love, this would indeed promise the fabulous riches of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. With the knowledge of the spiritual facts of life, any other challenge would seem inexcusable folly.

The reference to our divinity quoted from John's Gospel can be found at Ch.10 v.34.   This deification of man is a central theme from the venerable eastern Orthodox Church which represents the most ancient traditions of Christianity before the western Roman church went its own way.

A modern Orthodox monk, Father George Capsanis, Abbot of the Monastery of Osiou Gregoriou, puts the case quite strongly :

'A God who does not deify man; such a God can have no interest for us; whether he exists or not.  I believe that thes goes far to explain the wave of atheism in the West, as well as the building of science and philosophy on an atheistic foundation.'

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