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The Wonders and Horrors of the Dawning Age

The Wonders and Horrors of the Dawning Age

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Uranus rules the new age. The Uranian spirit of Aquarius, the Water Carrier, is exploding in every direction. It is the spirit which produced dynamite and the endlessly inventive destruction of successive explosives, up to the ultimate confrontation of nuclear annihilation, still a reckless threat.  Aquarius is also the genius of pleasant electronic wizardry which has us all hypnotised and paralysed in our arm chairs, as Orwell foresaw in 1984 and it is the dazzling technology of flight and man’s blind, merely materialist aspiration to reach for the stars.

It is the spirit of astrology, ultimate truth, the ultimate science, reborn in clear, rational form and regaining its age-old credibility and importance.  This geometric architecture shows some parts of the Jantar Mantar at the heart of New Delhi, an eighteenth century prince’s maze of complex constructions for astrological calculations.

The spirit of the new age is the spirit of truth, the logos, the Word.  The Logos has been too closely associated with Christ from St John’s Gospel where John sees the Lord of the Fishes through Aquarian eyes.  John represents the Aquarian spirit himself among the Evangelists (see the Throne of God).  Quite rightly John recognises Christ in this inspired light but we were warned His return would be preceded by many false prophets.   Lenin supposed the community of man would be based on mere materialism, not to mention conning the proleteriat.   Aquarius is not only the pure inspiration of this celestial deity but is closely associated with mighty Saturn and his more earthly influence.  The temptation to the ultimate simplicities of what is practical.   The temptation to ultimate evil, doing away with humanity.

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