Like the Old Testament patriarchs and prophecies, the Gospels are a vision masked in the astrological imagery of the Tree of Life. The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal the Christian Gospels were written by the high priests of the Essenes, become the Nazarenes, to share with the world the knowledge and wisdom of the Teacher of Righteousness. The three story Gospels were written in exiled communities after the Romans savagely outlawed the Essenes, the Nazarenes, and the Jewish faith in 70 AD. St John appeared later though its style is closer to the Scrolls. The Essene communities were the models copied by the earliest, persecuted Christian communities, identical in many details. Christ’s story is the story of Onias. The story and the teaching of Onias were distilled into a myth, like the parables, symbolic of the truth. Even the Sermon on the Mount is taken from an earlier version, in the Holy Ones’ exclusive scriptures. The Gospels promise the Christ, the Messiah, will return. Onias will return to be the Messiah for the new Age of the Water-Carrier. The Messiah will bring truth. This truth shall rain the celestial water of life over all men. Christ will re-awaken the seed of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Behold the glory of God |