Saturn's astrological character is divided, the Goat and the Water-Carrier. Earth is herself the Goat and the Ram. Earth's beautiful colours and forms, her fecund cornucopia and the rich sensuality of her creatures, are the bounty of her earthy spirit, the Goat. Earth is almost overwhelmed by the gravity and greatness of grave and sere Saturn, the Goat's dazzling spirit of bright materialism. If our planet was not Earth, our spirits would not be concealed in such solid, gorgeous bodies, the images of our gorgeous planet. Man is almost blind to the subtler spirit of water, air, fire and ether, which give his base earth spirit, his body, its subtler life - his emotions, his intellect, his intuition, and his immortal soul deep in his heart. Hell is Traditionally defined by symbols of the fiery Ram and the earthy Goat : the burning inferno of sulphurous brimstone. Our spiritual blindness transforms Eden :
"Why this is hell, nor am I out of it: Thinkst thou that I, who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells, In being depriv'd of everlasting bliss ? O Faustus, Leave these frivolous demands Which strike a terror to my fainting soul !" 'Dr Faustus' : Christopher Marlowe. |